UVHS OFSTED Inspection
Wednesday 26th September
The staff and governors are delighted to see that OFSTED have reported back to the DfE that UVHS “continues to be good” and delivers “a wealth of opportunities for pupils” enabling them to “achieve well across the [highly challenging] rich and engaging curriculum”. Indeed, the students in the school are seen to be achieving “well above the national average” in English and Maths and also making “exceptional progress in Science”.
Julie Wilkinson (chair of governors) has said:
“It is nice to be able to recognise our school in the report. UVHS is a true learning community, one where parents, staff and governors all work together to ensure that our youngsters are ‘encouraged to be innovative’ throughout the school. Unlike many schools now, we continue to promote and develop the Arts, Technology and Languages, and OFSTED clearly recognised that the school is not only ‘recognised for its musical prowess’ but also provides an educational experience ‘laden with opportunities to develop music, sport and art’.”
The visiting OFSTED inspectors also singled out the ‘high standards and expectations’ both inside and outside the classroom, ‘high quality teaching ... due to teachers’ sophisticated subject expertise’, and the school’s ‘strong focus on equalities’.
Mr Hardwick (acting Headteacher) said:
“I am exceptionally proud of every single member of the UVHS community – the students, staff and parents, for all that they give to the school. Alongside this very strong report on the main school. OFSTED were also able to justifiably celebrate our fantastic Sixth Form, where students benefit from “highly specialised teaching [through] the rich and engaging curriculum”. We knew that our students make “strong progress” but are delighted to read that there was specific credit given to “good prior knowledge and strong academic curiosity” displayed by our students going in years 12 & 13.”
UVHS is particularly encouraged to see that OFSTED have totally supported the recent changes made to the Leadership of the school and support the management team in all that it is doing to move the school forward on its journey to being exceptional.
The full report will be published on the OFSTED website next week.