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Careers Guidance
Careers Guidance at UVHS Sixth Form: At a glance
The UVHS Sixth Form leadership team measures itself against the government’s statutory guidance and the Gatsby Foundation’s eight benchmarks to deliver a well-developed and carefully crafted programme of career guidance to all our students, taking into careful consideration the “push and pull” factors identified by Sir John Holman in the Gatsby Foundation’s report.
The programme includes:
- Initial surveys of students’ aspirations at the beginning of Year 12 in order to establish appropriate career guidance and work experience opportunities.
- The provision of a dedicated Sixth Form careers advisor on a weekly basis to provide guidance to students and arrangement of appropriate work experience placements.
- Weekly ‘tutorial’ sessions for students in Year 12 and Year 13 incorporating visiting speakers from a variety of higher and further education institutes and the world of work, including former students.
- Sessions where students access to the Unifrog Platform, designed to offer students a wealth of advice and material linked to career opportunities and where students’ activities and understanding of potential pathways is tracked.
- Visits to an HE convention and specific university towards the end of Year 12.
- Disadvantaged students’ needs are assessed as a priority upon starting Sixth Form with early appointments with our careers advisor encouraged and progress in understanding careers guidance monitored.
- Successful student engagement with ‘Dream Placement’ initiative.
- A regular programme for those students considering applications to Oxbridge and Medicine including mock interviews, visiting speakers and personal statement workshops.
- A form time programme linked to career guidance and, when appropriate, UCAS applications and one-to-one discussions with tutors about career options.
- A wealth of careers resources for Sixth Form students in the school library.