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Y8 Art
Head of Department
Mrs Andrea Hine-Johnson
Organisation of the subject:
Art consists of two 50 minute lessons per week, and the students will undertake 3 major projects per year.
Key Concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)
- All the projects at KS.3 focus on providing students with the core skills to be successful at Art and Design; drawing, painting, 3D materials, photography and IT.
- Providing students with an introduction to some of the major 20thC developments in Art, and to provide an understanding as to how they influence us now.
- Encouraging students’ idea development, creativity and self expression.
What will your child be learning?
- Observational drawing skills
- Colour theory
- Painting techniques
- Ceramic and other 3d construction techniques
- Atmospheric and linear perspective
- Major figures, principals in Pop Art and Surrealism
- How to develop their own ideas creatively and to value and appreciate the work of others
Key 'Learning Capacities' in this subject
- The ability to observe and record the world around them
- The ability to research and plan an extended piece of work
- The ability to express themselves visually in a variety of media
How will your child be learning?
- Students’ work is regularly marked and feedback given in both written and verbal form to facilitate improvement.
- Students will pursue a number of research tasks.
- All of the tasks are designed so the students can take ownership of their work and develop as independent and creative learners.
How will learning be assessed?
- Students’ work is regularly marked and feedback given in both written and verbal form to facilitate improvement.
- Students are encouraged to review and comment on their own and each others work.
What can you do to support your child?
- Ensure that they have the correct equipment for the lessons
- Praise their efforts in homeworks—particularly drawing
- Discuss with them artworks and design that may be in the news
Equipment needed for this subject
- A range of ‘softer’ pencils to draw with, rubber and pencil sharpener.
Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Opportunities
- Art clubs take place throughout the year. There is always a large creative project in enrichment week at the end of the year.