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New UVHS Radio Club

UVHS students have been given the chance to broadcast across the local area as part of a collaboration with Barrow-based CandoFM.

UVHS Radio Club was set up in order to give students the opportunity to hone their research, production and presenting skills.

Every Wednesday after school students meet in order to work with CandoFM youthworker Naomi on every aspect of radio show production. The show is then edited together and broadcast on CandoFM across the local area.

Students have had the chance to develop practical production skills by getting to grips with mixing consoles, microphones, monitoring headphones and broadcast software provided through grant funding accessed by CandoFM.

They have also researched their own news stories and practised their presenting skills with radio DJs coming in to pass on tips to them.

The group’s first show was broadcast just before Christmas on CandoFM.

The Radio Club is one of a number of similar projects set up by Cando FM that have proven to be hugely successful and are now established in a number of schools in South Cumbria.

The initiative has been of great benefit to pupils at UVHS as it has helped to improve their self-confidence, developed articulation, team-working and organisational skills, and connected them even more closely to their local community.