Decider Life Skills for Parents

Join us for an exciting online event designed exclusively for parents!
The Decider Life Skills for Parents workshop aims to equip you with essential skills to support Children and Young people recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enabling them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
This event will be a packed interactive session led by experienced Primary Mental Health Practitioners with an opportunity to connect with other parents, share experiences, and ask questions. You will learn about 'The Fizz', how the body responds to worry and stress, and how to incorporate and implement each of the 12 Decider Life Skills into everyday life. Reserve your spot now for the Decider Life Skills for Parents event and embark on a transformative journey towards increased mindfulness, less stress and more effective communication for you and your family.
The sessions will take place on MS Teams on the following Tuesdays from 4-5pm:
20th February
2nd April
14th May
25th June
6th August
17th September
Please email MyTime: for more information and to book your place.
Follow the Facebook page: ‘MyTime Cumbria’ for updates and information on other events.