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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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Technology is constantly developing. Although there are many benefits to the internet and social media, it is important that we as a school, our students and parents know how to keep themselves safe and how to enable privacy settings. It can be hard to keep up with new apps, websites and games but we hope the information below helps keeps our students safe both on and offline.

As part of their time here a UVHS, students will be taught about social media in their Personal Development sessions as well as in their Computing lessons. At home, we would encourage you to talk with your child about trustworthy information sources and how to spot fake news and scams as well so they see they can see these in both a classroom and real-world context.

We already have a dedicated section on the school website here on E-Safety but below is a library of quick guides put together by #WakeUpWednesday for online safety by the National College.

#wakeupwednesday PDFs