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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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SEND Local Offer

How does the school know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think a child/young person may have special educational needs? 

Ulverston Victoria High School’s system for regularly observing, assessing and recording the progress of all children is used to identify children who are not progressing satisfactorily and who may have additional needs.

The following data is used:

  • Baseline assessment results, such as CATS scores, reading and spelling assessment, writing assessment and numeracy assessments undertaken when students join school.
  • Progress measured against objectives in Literacy, Numeracy and other curriculum subjects
  • Curriculum descriptors for the end of a key stage
  • Progress measured against the P level descriptors
  • Standardised screening and assessment. When students are identified as experiencing additional barriers to learning additional assessments such as the WIATT, LUCID screening, PHaB and Language screening and assessments are undertaken.
  • Observations of behavioural, emotional and social development and students Attitude to Learning grades. All students entering Year 7 have a full SEALs assessment which is followed by intervention where necessary
  • An existing Statement of SEN(Education Health Care Plan)
  • Information provided by Health Services.
  • Information from another school or LEA which has identified or has provided for additional needs
  • Information provided at Transition.
  • The SENCO attends Annual Reviews from Year 5 or earlier dependent on the complexity of student needs..
  • Information provided by Ulverston Victoria Intervention Group
  • Students are screened in Year 7 and Year 9 to ensure suitable exam access arrangements are put in place.
  • Staff referrals or notes of concern.
  • Parental referral through the SENCO, Head of Year or Form Tutor. If parents have concerns about their child’s progress they are able to arrange a meeting at any time, Parents Evenings which are held regularly provide additional opportunities.

How will school staff support my child/young person? 

Students who miss lessons through illness or for other reasons are offered opportunities to catchup on learning at Catchup Lessons which occur immediately after school.

Students who experience difficulties with homework are offered the opportunity to complete homework in a supported environment at lunchtimes.

All students are offered targeted wave 1 provision with best quality teaching, assessment and target setting. The school has a robust system in place for monitoring teaching and learning.

Student progress is monitored by teachers and Department Heads.

Ulverston Victoria High School also benefits from having Victoria Action, the Ulverston Victoria High School Intervention Group. Victoria Action consists of members from (cuts across boundaries and its membership includes)

  • Senior leadership Team
  • The Learning Support/Inclusion Department
  • The Engagement Centre
  • Pastoral leaders and Heads of Year
  • Learning Mentors
  • Family Worker
  • Victoria Outreach
  • School Nurse

Core members meet weekly to review the progress of students, plan and review the impact of interventions. The holistic nature of the group and the wide skill base available from its members allow for interventions which have a greater impact than delivered by individuals alone. One of the strengths of this group is its careful collection and use of data, perhaps most importantly student views.

It is the aim of the group to act quickly and effectively using appropriate resources imaginatively to support student progress and reduce barriers to learning. Action plans are developed, implemented and outcomes carefully monitored by the group.

Discussion at this group may lead to a graduated intervention being provided by the Learning Mentor Team, the Engagement Centre, Learning Support Unit, Family Worker or the Pastoral team of Year Heads and Form Tutors. Interventions are always discussed with students and parents.

Where additional student learning needs are identified prior to entry, in addition to Monitoring by Victoria Action there a support programme in place for students as a result of liaison with feeder schools and parents. This intervention will be recorded in a Student Passport or IEP and agreed with parents prior to students joining UVHS.

The learning of students with additional learning needs is carefully monitored and acted upon. The Code of Practice recommends a graduated response to intervention Students. Additional learning needs will always be met through high quality inclusive teaching and then where appropriate through wave 2 and wave 3 interventions using a Student Passport or Individual Education plan.

Initial intervention would be decided on by class teachers in discussion with the SENCO and Learning Support Team, parents and the student. Intervention would be largely delivered in class by Form and Subject Teachers. Specific interventions for reading and spelling may be agreed and would be delivered/monitored by Learning Support staff and teachers with parental support provided to the student at home. Similarly numeracy interventions may be provided by class teachers with support from parents.

Where barriers to learning are already identified Students in Year 7 may be allocated a place in a Literacy or Numeracy Booster class or within a Language. Group to meet need in this area. In Year 8 and 9 additional literacy and numeracy support is provided through Key Skills groups which are timetabled against the second language option and through the use of spelling and reading programmes monitored by teachers and LSU staff.

Students with Social communication needs are supported by all staff through the Student passport/IEP. Social Groups which support skill development are also provided as required by the LSU or Engagement Centre.

After intervention and assessment some students will require additional support to that described and may be referred to external agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teaching Service, School Nurse, CAMHS, The Behaviour Intervention Team or other supporting agencies. These referrals would be made after close liaison with staff, parents and students The recommendations of the external specialists are written into IEPs after parental, student and staff

For students with Statements (EHC Plans) the provision agreed in the plan is provided by class teachers through the IEP and by a highly qualified team of Senior Teaching Assistants. The SENCO, Specialist Teaching Service, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists monitor progress and provide ongoing advice.

Pastoral, medical and social support is available in the school for the whole school population, once again the response to student needs and support is graduated.. It is the aim of the school to include all students in all aspects of the school community.

To this end care is taken to meet the needs of students with medical needs as inclusively as possible. Care is taken to ensure access is provided to lessons by timetabling and providing support as discretely as possible for students with medical needs. We work closely with Parents, the Cumbria Health Service providers and the School Nursing Service to ensure that appropriate Health Care Plans are in place. Staff are trained to work effectively to meet students needs prior to them joining the school community or as they arise. The school follows County and National guidelines in the administration of medicines and personal care. We work with Parents, health advisors and pupils to ensure that effective Health Care plans, Personal Care plans, Handling plans, fatigue plans and where necessary risk assessments are in place.

The Pastoral support available in school has been described by OFSTED as excellent and is provided by Year Heads, Form tutors and all Teaching and non teaching staff the Learning Support Department, Engagement Centre and Learning Mentors, who collaborate closely to ensure student needs are met effectively. The school operates a Transition programme to meet the needs of students at transition from primary to secondary education and from secondary education to College and Sixth Form. Additional social support is provided through individual packages by all members of the school team.

The Senior Leadership Team, SENCO and Subject leaders monitor progress and reports are provided on a regular basis to the governors.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s/young person’s needs 

Ulverston Victoria High School takes a holistic view to learning. Before students enter Year 7 the Victoria Values agreement establishes the role of School, pupils and parents in the educational process. This agreement recognises that the academic progress students make cannot be separated form their wellbeing. The ‘whole curriculum’ recognises the importance of providing opportunities for students to develop as citizens. Our provision is enhanced to offer students enriched opportunities. We have a comprehensive programme of acceleration/enrichment for our talented students.

We are involved in a range of national initiatives and competitions to motivate, enthuse and excite students. We have an enterprise and international focus to our work wherever possible. At the end of each year we have a series of enrichment days designed to challenge students and vary the educational diet of our students.

Regular assessment and differentiation ensures that teaching is targeted at the appropriate level. The delivery of the curriculum is tailored to students through advice provided by Victoria Action, the SENCO and External Specialists. Some students’ curriculum is modified with parental agreement to allow for additional input to develop literacy and numeracy skills and to develop social skills and understanding if required.

How will I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help meto support my child’s learning? 

Student progress is monitored through formative and summative assessment. Data is scrutinised on a termly basis and any areas of progress which cause concern are acted on by the Head of Year, and Intervention Group. This intervention involves Parental Consultation Student progress is also supported through the marking policy. The Yellow Sticker system records progress against targets and provides for a learning conversation between staff and pupils. Advice is given to students as to how their work can be improved when work is marked. Parents are expected to support this learning conversation Students are set learning targets which reflect excellent and good progress. This information is published to parents through Progress Reviews which are sent to parents in addition to school reports
There are also Department led meetings where parents are informed of curriculum development and resources which they can use to support progress at home, such as Method Maths, Lingui scope, Lexia, IDL and Accelerated Reader.

In addition to the normal reporting arrangements parents have the opportunity to arrange appointments to discuss progress with the SENCO, subject teachers and Heads of Year. Parents will be contacted immediately if assessments indicate any concerns over general progress or progress in particular areas.

For students supported by Student Passports or IEPs parents are offered additional meetings to discuss and agree targets and discuss how support can be provided at home. These meetings will be offered on a termly basis. There is a strong belief in the importance of parents’ role in supporting their child’s learning. Parental support targets are included in Student Passports, IEPs and Attendance Plans.
What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?

UVHS is committed to the highest standards from all those working on the school site. We work to develop and maintain high professional standards from staff and good behaviour from students, taking the principle that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn. These are set within a calm, secure environment in which all parties can achieve their best. These expectations are set out in ‘Victoria Values’ The Behaviour Policy outlines the ethos to behaviour support at Ulverston Victoria High School.

The school provides a fair, consist system that creates the behaviour for learning required of an outstanding school.

Sanctions are balanced with praise and reward.

The consequences of not following the Code of Conduct are made clear and reinforced and students with additional learning needs and behavioural and emotional needs are provided with support to enable them to meet behaviour standards.

Students who experience difficulties managing behaviour for any reason are supported through a graduated response by school which is aimed at understanding the students barriers and supporting them to manage their behaviour independently. This process will always involve student and parental involvement.

The graduated response will generally begin with a Pastoral card monitoring system. Students may then be referred to the Intervention Team or directly to the Engagement Centre or LSU. A range of school based interventions will be used before referral to external agencies are made.

The same graduated system is used to support attendance.

How are the school’s special educational needs budget allocated? 

The schools special educational needs budget is allocated by the Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with the SENCO on an annual basis following the preparation of a provision document prepared by the SENCO.
What training is the staff receiving or have completed to support children and young people with SEND?

There is an ongoing staff training programme to ensure all staff have a sound understanding of SEND. The programme is agreed by SLT in discussion with the SENCO and is included in the School Development Plan. All new staff entering school receive training from the SENCO.

The STA staff are highly qualified and have completed study courses on Behaviour Management, Team Teach, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Dyslexia, EAL, Speech, Language and Communication, promoting independent learning, AAC, visual impairment, hearing impairment, Child Protection and Exam Access. The training and input of specialists is ongoing. STA staff also provide support for students with severe learning difficulties in Sandside Lodge where students have dual placements.

The SENCO has primary, and special school experience and has completed an MA in Inclusive Education, A Diploma in Counselling, The ELKan Speech and Language Course, A Diploma in Autism and Open University Module in Literacy Development, Exam Access qualifications and Child Protection training. Previous experience working for the Specialist Teachers as a Teacher for English as an Additional Language and as a Statementing Officer further supports the effective provision of SEND. Expertise in AAC is provided by CANDLE who are contracted to work within the school.

The excellent links we have developed with the Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teaching Service, Health Services and the Statementing officer ensure ongoing training.

How accessible is the school environment? 

There is an ongoing programme of assessment and action to ensure the school is accessible to our students. The majority of the school is now accessible and disabled toilets are accessible across the school site. Where student access is not possible timetabling is used to ensure students are taught with their peer group.

The current building programme includes a new purpose built suite of rooms centrally located for the SEN Department.

How does the school communicate with parents/carers whose first language is not English 

Every care is taken to ensure good communication with parents whose first language is not English. Where necessary translations and support for meetings is provided.