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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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Y11 Engineering

Head of Department
Miss M Dixon


The Cambridge National Engineering qualification provides an engaging, robust, broad-based introduction to engineering. The course comprises of a range of specialist units that underpin the knowledge and skills that are valued in the engineering sector. They reflect the breadth of opportunity and enable further exploration of specific areas of interest. English and mathematics have been contextualised within the assessment aims. This allows learners to practise these essential skills in naturally occurring and meaningful contexts, where appropriate. Employers value employees who are able to communicate effectively both verbally and using electronic communication methods.

Whilst developing this course OCR have listened to, and worked closely with, employers such as JCB, Siemens and Rolls-Royce, and other professional bodies like the Royal Academy of Engineering, to make sure that the next generation of young engineers are equipped with the skills demanded by employers in the engineering community. We feel that the results of this collaboration will be of benefit to our learners, especially considering the amount of engineering firms in our area.

The Cambridge Nationals in Engineering course is aimed at learners who wish to study the processes involved in designing and manufacturing new-engineered products. Learners are provided with the knowledge and skills required to safely use engineering tools and equipment used to manufacture products from the requirements of a design specification. Students will also learn and use relevant computer applications such as CAD/CAM and testing equipment. They will develop their understanding of the processes and systems required to transfer a design concept into a product. A practical approach to teaching and learning will help provide learners with knowledge in engineering technology, and develop communication, critical thinking, creativity and dextrous skills through engaging practical experiences.

There are four units of work in the qualification.

Unit Title Unit Weighting
R109 Engineering materials processes & production 25% (1 hour examination)
R110 Preparing, planning and manufacturing 25% (Portfolio & practical activity) 
R111 Computer Aided Design & Manufacture 25% (Portfolio & practical activity) 
R112 Quality control of an engineered product 25% (Portfolio & practical activity) 

R110 - R112 are externally moderated by OCR

Unit Descriptions.

Unit 1: Engineering materials, processes and production

This unit will develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of engineering materials and processes, and their application in the manufacture of engineered products. The content of this unit includes basic engineering processes, allowing for a practical approach to be taken in the delivery of the unit.

This unit also covers types of engineering materials such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys, polymers, thermosetting plastics, ceramics, composites, smart materials and new and emerging materials. Learners will understand properties of engineering materials and learn the theory of hand and machine skills to engineer a product.

On completion of this unit, learners will understand how the properties and characteristics of materials impact on the design specification for the development of a new product and appreciate the different production methods available to produce engineered products.

Unit 2: Preparing, planning and manufacturing

This unit develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of procedures used during the planning and preparing stages in the manufacture of engineered products. Learners are required to plan and make a pre-production product by conventional non-Computer Numerical Control (CNC) methods to develop a suitable product.

This unit enables learners to have the opportunity to apply appropriate processes for making pre-production products using hand-held tools, measuring and marking equipment safely. Learners will also carry out manually controlled machining operations such as drilling, turning and milling and perform quality control checks to review finished pre-production products.

On completion of this unit, learners will understand, and be able to apply, the processes for making pre-production products, using a range of hand tools, measuring and marking equipment safely.

Unit 3: Computer Aided Manufacture

This unit covers computer applications in the design and manufacture of engineered products. Learners will produce Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings of a product to produce a batch of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) manufactured examples. In addition, learners will understand how computer control can be used in the high-volume/mass production of engineered products.

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of computer applications in the design and manufacture of engineered products and know the procedures for setting up CNC equipment to produce a batch of products to the required specification. Learners will also investigate methods used to compare items manufactured by manually controlled and CNC production.

On completion of this unit, learners will be able to use computer applications to manufacture engineered products and produce CAD drawings of a product. Learners will understand how computer control is used to produce engineered products in high-volume.

Unit 4: Quality control of engineered products

This unit will develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of techniques and procedures used to ensure the quality of engineered products. Learners will be required to produce and carry out a detailed set of procedures for the quality control of engineered products which will be used in a ‘real world’ situation involving high-volume manufacture of products. Learners will also gain an understanding of the principles of lean manufacture and how they are applied to improving the quality of the manufacturing process.

On completion of this unit, learners will understand the techniques and procedures used to ensure the quality of engineered products.

The Cambridge National in Engineering qualification results will be graded on a 7 grade scale with Pass, Merit and Distinction at both levels 1 and 2 and a new grading of Distinction* at Level 2. These grades are equivalent to GCSE’s.

GCSE Grade OCR Grade
9/8 Level 2 Distinction *
7 Level 2 Distinction
6/5 Level 2 Merit
4 Level 2 Pass
3 Level 1 Distinction
2 Level 1 Merit
1 Level 1 Pass

Please contact Miss Dixon for further information