Entry Requirements
Students should have at least a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.
Course Content
The AS course will comprise topics in Pure Maths, Statistics and Mechanics and will be studied in Year 12 leading to an internal exam in the summer. In Year 13, students will complete their studies leading to the full linear A level. At A level students would again study Pure Maths, Statistics and Mechanics. Pure Maths mainly extends your knowledge of such topics as proof, algebra, trigonometry and graphical work. New concepts such as calculus will also be introduced. Pure Maths provides the foundation for the other branches of Mathematics. Studying statistics allows you to summarise and analyse data effectively. The study of theoretical probability distributions and hypothesis testing has wide-ranging application in other subject areas such as Biology, Psychology and Geography. Mechanics includes constant acceleration formulae, kinematics and Newton’s Laws of Motion extending into 2 dimensions with the use of vectors. Moments are also studied.
This section is complementary to the subjects studied in A level Physics. The use of technology is encouraged, so a large data set will be provided for analysis.
Internal Exams in Year 12 | % of Assessment |
Paper 1 – 1.5 hours | 50% |
Paper 2 – 1.5 hours | 50% |
A Level Units in Year 13 | % of A level |
Unit 1 – 2 hours | 33.3% |
Unit 2 – 2 hours | 33.3% |
Unit 3 – 2 hours | 33.3% |
Career opportunities are many and varied: accountancy, actuarial work, architecture, astronomy, banking, building societies, computing, economics, engineering, hospital administration, insurance, market research, quantity surveying and teaching.
Contact Dr Wilkin